Marin County District Races

Bel Marin Keys Community Services District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

David Bartnicki 

  • Software architect
  • Statement pending or not available.

Cheryl Furst

  • Bel Marin Keys Community Services District Director
  • Transparency: “I believe we can do better by showing more transparency from trusted elected officials.”
  • Conflict Resolution: “I have handled thousands of complaints to resolution.”
  • Growth: “I have the experience to make changes for the better.”

Natalia Shorten

  • Retail architectural design
  • Experience: “My experience in the corporate world has honed my ability to navigate complex issues, act democratically, and foster collaboration.”
  • Environmental Conservation: “I’ve engaged with … Parks & Open Spaces, Waterways, and Measure G Oversight.”
  • Infrastructure: “My priority is to enhance BMK’s quality of life for everyone, focusing on infrastructure for lagoons and creeks, family-friendly recreational areas, and ensuring transparency and accountability in our services.”

Kevin Dugan

  • No designation.
  • Statement pending or not available.

Maria Mercy Angelopulos

  • Bel Marin Keys Community Services District Director
  • Inclusivity: “There is nowhere else we would ever want to live and I want to be part of our community continuing to prosper, and be more inclusive.”
  • Transparency: “We all need to be respectfully heard.”
  • Public Service: “I chair the Welcome to Bel Marin Keys Committee, which recently has been bringing food trucks to our community the first Thursday of the month. I am on the Board of Bel Marin Keys Women’s Club, and have been on the Bel Marin Keys Emergency Response Team for 6+ years.”

James “Jim” Spaulding

  • No designation.
  • Public Service: “With a deep commitment to our community and a proven track record in public service, I am excited to contribute to its growth and well-being.”
  • Inclusivity: “I envision a vibrant, inclusive community where every voice is heard and every need addressed.”
  • Transparency: “I am dedicated to ensuring that our community is a place to thrive with informed confidence and unity.”

Marin City Community Services District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Lynnette Egenlauf 

  • Marin City Community Services District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Henry E. Mims

  • Marin City Community Services District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Royce Y. McLemore 

  • No designation.
  • Statement pending or not available.

Marinwood Community Services District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Christopher Case

  • Marinwood Community Services District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Lisa Ruggeri

  • Marinwood Community Services District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Kathleen Kilkenny

  • Marinwood Community Services District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Muir Beach Community Services District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

David H. Taylor 

  • Muir Beach Community Services District Director/physician/firefighter
  • Statement pending or not available.

Nikola H. Tede 

  • Muir Beach Community Services District Director/physician
  • Statement pending or not available.

Tamalpais Community Services District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Steffen Bartschat 

  • Tamalpais Community Services District Director
  • Parks and Recreation: “Parks and Recreation needs to continue fostering our sense of community with interesting events and useful facilities.”
  • Waste: “Refuse will be our biggest challenge as we need to implement the state’s stringent Zero Waste requirements.”
  • Budget: “For all initiatives, I remain an advocate for innovative ideas that keep our expenditures as low as possible.”

Steven Levine

  • Tamalpais Community Services District Director
  • Public Service: “I regularly volunteer at numerous community social and holiday events.”
  • Waste: “I am a strong supporter of its first-class programs of refuse, composting and recycling services, sanitary sewer collection, and parks and recreation.”
  • Budget: “I will continue to focus my efforts on cost management, analyzing and enhancing the delivery of our services, and representing the residents’ best interests in the decisions I make while serving on the TCSD Board.”

Courtney DiCarlo 

  • Substitute teacher/parent 
  • Growth: “I am dedicated to enhancing the vitality and vibrancy of our neighborhoods.”
  • Community: “I am dialed-in to what the community is looking for and ready to roll up my sleeves … I live every day with my finger on the pulse of the people bringing life to our community.”
  • Budget: “I’ve raised over $11,000 for local organizations in the last two years.”

Matthew McMahon 

  • Tamalpais Community Services District Director
  • Infrastructure: “Looking ahead, I will continue to bring knowledgeable, experienced, and active leadership as TCSD embarks on new projects like developing a master plan for the Tam Valley Community Center and Cabin.”
  • Inclusivity: “I am committed to representing all voices in our community whether you have lived here for decades or just moved to Tam Valley.”
  • Collaboration: “Every perspective is vital to ensure TCSD delivers its best for everyone in Tam Valley.”

Tomales Village Community Services District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Donna L. Clavaud

  • Tomales Village Community Services District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

David Kitts 

  • Tomales Village Community Services District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Bolinas Fire Protection District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Simon Dunne

  • Bolinas Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Billy Pierce

  • Bolinas Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Chris Martinelli

  • Bolinas Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Kentfield Fire Protection District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Bruce Corbet

  • Kentfield Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Michael G. Murray 

  • Kentfield Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Novato Fire Protection District Director, District 1

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Lj Silverman

  • Novato Fire Protection District Director, District 1
  • Statement pending or not available.

Novato Fire Protection District Director, District 2

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Michael Hadfield 

  • Novato Fire Protection District Director, District 2
  • Statement pending or not available.

Novato Fire Protection District Director, District 3

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Shane Francisco

  • Novato Fire Protection District Director, District 3
  • Statement pending or not available.

Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Sharon R. Adams

  • Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Thomas J. Finn

  • Sleepy Hollow Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Southern Marin Fire Protection District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Cathryn A. Hilliard

  • Southern Marin Fire Protection District Director
  • Emergency Services: “I support our outstanding first responders.”
  • Collaboration: “I’m focused on input from, and the needs of, our residents.”
  • Inclusivity: “As immediate past president of the Marin Womens’ PAC, I’m passionate about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) recruiting and retaining female and diverse firefighters and supporting women in public service.”

Rich Riechel

  • Community volunteer 
  • Fire Safety: “For the past 17 years, I have been actively involved with the Mill Valley Fire Department, serving as a volunteer firefighter … [This has] provided me with a unique understanding of the unique challenges our district faces, including wildfire threats, community preparedness, and emergency services.”
  • Public Safety: “As a passionate advocate for public safety, I would like to bring my experience to the role of director of the Southern Marin Fire Protection District.”
  • Emergency Preparedness: “My commitment to our community will drive my efforts to enhance the district’s capabilities, strengthen community engagement and preparedness, and address community concerns.”

Ashley Raveche

  • Southern Marin Fire Protection District Director
  • Fire Protection: “I have been advocating for vegetation management and home hardening efforts completed by our residents to be considered in fire insurance risk assessments.”
  • Insurance: “I am dedicated to protecting our residents’ insurability.”
  • Emergency Preparedness: “I continue to include more community voices in resiliency work through the development of a district-wide Strategic Plan, and expanded emergency preparedness for district visitors through the Short-Term Rental Guide.”

Clifford Waldeck 

  • Southern Marin Fire Protection District Director
  • Budget: “I pledge to enhance the readiness and responsiveness of the Southern Marin Fire District while ensuring our community receives the best return for our tax dollars.”
  • Fuel Load: “I am committed to reducing fuel load through effective vegetation management and working with stakeholders to ensure continuing home insurance coverage.”
  • Public Service: “I enjoy helping others whether as a substitute teacher in our schools, spearheading the Mill Valley Memorial Day parade or assisting people in navigating governmental regulations and agencies.”

Stinson Beach Fire Protection District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

James Ritchie

  • Stinson Beach Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Jeffrey R. Walsh

  • Stinson Beach Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Michele Sileo

  • Volunteer firefighter
  • Statement pending or not available.

Tiburon Fire Protection District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Mark J. Capell

  • Tiburon Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Brett Tucker

  • Tiburon Fire Protection District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Tiburon Fire Protection District Director — Short Term

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Joy Ho

  • Tiburon Fire Protection District Director — Short Term
  • Statement pending or not available.

Marin Healthcare District Director, Division 2

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Ann Sparkman

  • Marin Healthcare District Director, Division 2
  • Statement pending or not available.

Marin Healthcare District Director, Division 5

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Edward Alfrey

  • Marin Healthcare District Director, Division 5
  • Statement pending or not available.

Bolinas Community Public Utility District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Kevin McElroy

  • Bolinas Community Public Utility District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Kirsten Walker

  • Bolinas Community Public Utility District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Inverness Public Utility District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Kathryn Donohue

  • Inverness Public Utility District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Dakota Whitney 

  • Inverness Public Utility District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Brent R. Johnson 

  • Inverness Public Utility District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Mesa Park Recreation District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

David Lich

  • Mesa Park Recreation District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Noah Skinner 

  • Mesa Park Recreation District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Strawberry Recreation District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Christian Michael 

  • Technical program manager
  • Statement pending or not available.

Cale Nichols

  • Strawberry Recreation District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Strawberry Recreation District Director — Short Term

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Sarah G. Waterfield

  • No designation.
  • Statement pending or not available.

Marin Resource Conservation District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Michael L. Moretti

  • Marin Resource Conservation District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

David Terry Sawyer

  • Marin Resource Conservation District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

David Sherwood 

  • No designation.
  • Statement pending or not available.

Alto Sanitary District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Janis M. Bosenko

  • Alto Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Todd Gates

  • Alto Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Michael Faust 

  • Alto Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Homestead Valley Sanitary District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Joan Florsheim

  • Homestead Valley Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Alan W. Wuthnow

  • Homestead Valley Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Rick Montalvan

  • Homestead Valley Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Craig K. Murray 

  • Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Gary E. Robards 

  • Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District Director — Short Term

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Nicholas Lavrov

  • Land resources management
  • Clean Energy: “I also oversee and supervise, from a regulatory standpoint, the largest geothermal field in the world, known as ‘the geysers’ in Lake/Sonoma counties, which produces close to 25% of California’s clean energy.”
  • Environmental Conservation: “I am a strong advocate for environmental conservation and protection.”
  • Leadership: “My leadership skills will guide the District toward success.”

Barry Nitzberg 

  • Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District Director — Short Term
  • Public Health: “I am excited to be engaged in collaborative work that performs the often under-the-radar, heavy lifting in maintaining the health and safety of our community.”
  • Climate Change: “I pledge to be accountable to voters and our customers in meeting District challenges, including keeping service rates low and addressing the effects of climate change and population growth.”
  • Experience: “My degree in geography from San Francisco State University, and years as a journeyman plumber, plumbing contractor and vice-president of sales, marketing and organizational development and board member of a plumbing wholesaler, position me well to serve as your Board member.”

Novato Sanitary District Director, Division 1

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Jean Mariani

  • Novato Sanitary District Director, Division 1
  • Statement pending or not available.

Novato Sanitary District Director, Division 4

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Jerry Peters

  • Novato Sanitary District Director, Division 4
  • Statement pending or not available.

Richardson Bay Sanitary District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Mark Slater

  • Richardson Bay Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Jeff Slavitz

  • Richardson Bay Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Don Beers

  • Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

William Ring 

  • Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District Director — Short Term

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Shirley Thornton

  • Sausalito-Marin City Sanitary District Director — Short Term
  • Statement pending or not available.

Sanitary District of Marin County No.5 Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Omar Arias-Montez 

  • Sanitary District No.5 Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Richard N. Snyder 

  • Sanitary District No.5 Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

John Carapiet 

  • Sanitary District No.5 Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Marin Municipal Water District Director, Division 2

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Jack Kenney 

  • Nonprofit director
  • Water Rates: “I will work to adjust rates and fees so that lower tier users are more fairly treated, and conservation is encouraged.”
  • Water Supply: “To secure our water supply, I would raise spillways at certain reservoirs, acquire additional rights to Russian River water, expand our recycling efforts, and avoid large expensive projects that lead to greater increases in water rates.”
  • Climate Change: “Our fire mitigation and environmental protection strategies need a data-driven revamp.”
  • KenneyforMarinWater

Robert Sandoval 

  • San Rafael parks commissioner 
  • Experience: “I began my career as a California Deputy Attorney General, representing state employees and agencies like California State Parks, and serve as a San Rafael Park and Recreation Commissioner, working to improve our community for our children.”
  • Progress: “The Marin Water Board needs forward-thinking now. Today’s choices and actions lay the groundwork for future generations.”
  • Water Supply: “I look forward to bringing a fresh perspective and a passionate commitment to ensuring a secure water supply, financial stability, affordability, and environmental stewardship.”

Diana Maier

  • Mediator/attorney
  • Water Rates: “The top priority of the MMWD Board should be to secure clean, reliable, and affordable water for every Marin community.” 
  • Climate Change: “The county lacks consensus on how to ensure Marin has an adequate and reliable water supply for the future in light of the impact of climate change.”
  • Unity: “I’m running for MMWD Board, because securing the best possible water system should unite, not divide, us.”

Marin Municipal Water District Director, Division 5

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Dave Keatley 

  • Director of operations
  • Water Conservation: “Just over two years ago, Marin County nearly ran out of water. While we narrowly averted disaster, we need to do a better job of planning and putting the right steps in motion to protect our community.”
  • Water Supply: “The Marin Municipal Water Board must tackle these challenges with fresh eyes and contemporary understanding — owning its responsibility for sustaining a resilient water supply.”
  • Sustainability: “With regional and community engagement and a willingness to listen to new ideas and challenge old assumptions, we can build a strong foundation for a sustainable future.”

Larry L. Russell

  • Marin Municipal Water District Director Division 5/water resources engineer 
  • Water Rates: “As the only board member to vote against a recent rate increase, that was neither equitable nor fair, I’m focused on keeping your water affordable.”
  • Water Supply: “I’ve worked around the world on water supply issues, including on behalf of the victims of Flint’s Water Crisis.”
  • Water Conservation: “I’m dedicated to the district’s conservation efforts — protecting our valued watershed while securing an adequate supply of high-quality drinking water — and meeting our financial challenges with caution and intelligent action.”

Dawn Matheson 

  • Mother/engineer/artist
  • Representation: “I chose the water board mainly because of its persistent lack of diversity; however, the dearth of trained engineers on the board also made it seem like a good fit.”
  • Problem Solving: “I feel driven to understand and solve problems.”
  • Solutions: “From my research and brainstorming, I came up with several ideas but I need an insider’s understanding of the constraints of the system before I can determine the ones that would be the best fit for our area.”

North Marin Water District Director, Division 1 — Short Term

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Kenneth Eichstaedt 

  • North Marin Water District Director, Division 1 — Short Term
  • Public Health: “The North Marin Water District provides a critical public health and safety resource to the residents of Novato and West Marin.”
  • Customer Service: “As a current director at NMWD, I serve you, the rate payer, to ensure this vital public service continues.”
  • Infrastructure: “Current projects we are working on include: continued critical work on the Lynwood Pump Station; the Local Water Supply Enhancement Study; Stafford Dam Adjustment Spillway Gate Project; and vital West Marin projects including the Green Bridge water line replacement, and the upcoming West Marin Rate Study.”

Mary Stompe 

  • Retired executive director
  • Statement pending or not available.

North Marin Water District Director, Division 2

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Jack Baker 

  • North Marin Water District Director, Division 2
  • Statement pending or not available.

North Marin Water District Director, Division 3

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Francis Drouillard

  • Registered professional engineer
  • Experience: “With 40 years of experience designing bridges over waterways and sensitive habitats, I am skilled in meeting the requirements of both the National Environmental Policy Act and the California Environmental Quality Act.”
  • Infrastructure: “Increasing the water supply and upgrading our infrastructure are top priorities for NMWD.”
  • Water Supply: “I prefer buying additional water from the Sonoma County Water Agency instead of building a desalination plant.”

Michael H. Joly

  • North Marin Water District Director, Division 3
  • Fire Protection: “I am proud we donate at no cost all the water our fire protection needs.”
  • Infrastructure: “Improving water supply, assuring distribution and infrastructure integrity, and protecting our environment while keeping focus on cybersecurity, a committed professional staff and financial integrity/transparency are director responsibilities.”
  • Problem Solving: “I am not afraid to make tough decisions rather than kick the can down the road.”

North Marin Water District Director, Division 4

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Stephen Petterle

  • North Marin Water District Director, Division 4
  • Statement pending or not available.

Stinson Beach County Water District Director

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Sandra Cross

  • Stinson Beach County Water District Director
  • Statement pending or not available.

Laurie Ellis

  • Retired teacher
  • Statement pending or not available.

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