Solano County School Races

Solano County Board of Education, Trustee Area 2

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Bonnie Hamilton

  • Pediatrician/parent 
  • Education: “Education was my pathway to opportunity.”
  • Community: “I know that enriching the lives of our children and youth will improve our community and help create a thriving future.”
  • Career Readiness: “On the Board of Education, I will work to make life better for kids and parents and to ensure our schools are places where every student can find opportunity, purpose and success, whether they are college bound or learn a valuable trade.”

Amy Sharp

  • Solano County Board of Education Trustee, Area 2
  • Accessibility: “I’m focused on quality education with a solid path for all kids. From high achievers to those struggling and every student in between; kids with special needs, those needing a second chance, and those failed by the system.”
  • Test Scores: “I helped parents and educators get Board approval for a charter school that is improving test scores and morale for an entire community.”
  • Budget: “I’m your independent voice in schools. I ask tough questions, oppose wasteful spending and bad policies, while working together to find solutions.”

Carol J. Kalamaras

  • Retired teacher/librarian
  • Funding: “During my 20 years participating on the Solano County Library Advisory Council, we achieved the very first tax appropriation to support funding for increased services and materials for the Solano County Library system.”
  • Social Security: “My current role in California Retired Teachers Association, Div. 24 (Solano County), has me advocating the repeal of an unfair penalty by social security offset known as WEP/GPO.” 
  • Public Service: “The breadth and depth of my history of service to students, teachers and citizens of this county are foremost in shaping my hopes to bring a fresh outlook and balanced viewpoint to this office if elected in November.”

Solano Community College, Trustee Area 3

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Lilia Dardon

  • Retired teacher/commissioner
  • Statement pending or not available.

Rosemary Thurston

  • Solano Community College Trustee, Area 3
  • Budget: “During my time on the Governing Board, … the District has improved its financial standing [and] refinanced the bond to save taxpayers $20 million over the life of the bond.”
  • Student Enrollment: “During my time on the Board, we have … increased enrollment to more than 9,000 students and increased online classes and services to better serve working students.”
  • Funding: “We have increased funding for tutoring, health services, a food and clothing pantry, and emergency housing, and most classes now offer zero- or low-cost textbooks saving students hundreds of dollars.”

Shannon Frisinger

  • Retired secondary teacher
  • Residency: “I have been a resident of Solano County for 40 years.”
  • Education: “I retired from Vallejo City Unified School District after 29 years as a secondary English teacher, having taught at both VHS and JBHS.”
  • Career Readiness: “I want students in Benicia and Vallejo to see Solano Community College as a career and college destination, as well as work to include lifelong learning opportunities for adults.”

Benicia Unified School District, Trustee Area 3

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Kashanna Harmon-Lee

  • Registered analyst/parent
  • Special Education: “With 20 years of experience as an ABA behavior specialist, preschool teacher, and special education support, I understand the diverse challenges facing our evolving educational landscape.”
  • Student Safety: “I am deeply committed to fostering an environment where every student feels safe, respected, and empowered.”
  • Inclusivity: “I aim to prioritize social, emotional, and mental health support, and I will advocate for all students, including those with special needs, ensuring every family’s voice is heard.”

Janny Manasse

  • Parent/university administrator
  • Education: “With a deep-rooted passion for public education and a robust background in higher education administration, I am committed to ensuring the highest quality of public education in Benicia.”
  • Collaboration: “I understand that community involvement is critical for the health and success of our students and schools.”
  • Transparency: “If elected as your BUSD Trustee, I will be transparent, accountable, and partner with all stakeholders.”

Dixon Unified School District, At-Large

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Michael Ceremello

  • Investigative journalist
  • Statement pending or not available.

Regina Espinoza

  • Dixon Unified School District Member, At-Large
  • Public Service: “For more than 20 years I have been dedicated to public service in our community.”
  • Experience: “I served on the Dixon Parks and Recreation Commission, several youth sports organization boards and served as a Governing Board trustee for the Dixon Montessori Charter School. These positions have provided me with invaluable engagement opportunities and advocacy roles for our Dixon students and families within our education system.”
  • Education: “It is important that the School District adapts to current challenges and makes strides to provide quality education for all students.”

Jimmy Thiessen

  • Parent/union representative
  • Statement pending or not available.

Robin Erika Beck-Ruften

  • Parent 
  • Accessibility: “I believe that every student deserves access to quality education and the resources they need to succeed. This includes not only strong academic programs but also accessible tutoring and support services that can help every child thrive, regardless of their background or learning style.”
  • Student Safety: “Safety is a top priority for me, and I am committed to creating and maintaining a secure, nurturing environment where our students can focus on learning without fear.”
  • Collaboration: “I understand the challenges our schools face and am dedicated to working collaboratively with educators, parents, and community members to address these issues head-on.”

Robert E. Sanchez Jr

  • General manager/coach
  • Experience: “My experience as a teacher will be invaluable as your representative on the school board.”
  • Staff Retention: “We need to retain and recruit the best teachers and staff while funding the programs and extracurricular activities that our children need.”
  • Student Success: “We need to create opportunities for our children’s future success.”

Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, Trustee Area 1

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Alonso R. Duarte

  • Nonprofit director/professor
  • Collaboration: “My goal is to work collaboratively with families, educators, and community leaders to create schools that empower every student to reach their full potential.”
  • Education: “As a first-generation Mexican immigrant, I understand the transformative power of education.”
  • Teachers: “My children attended our local schools, and I’ve seen firsthand our educators’ incredible impact on young lives.”

Bethany Smith

  • Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District Trustee, Area 1
  • Collaboration: “My strong involvement in my children’s education, including advocating for students with special education plans, collaborating with teachers and administrators, and extensive volunteer work has provided a crucial parent perspective in board discussions.”
  • Career Technical Education: “As a professional in the field of workforce development, I know that high-quality career technical education is critical for students to acquire the necessary skills for quality jobs in in-demand careers with family-sustaining wages.”
  • Budget: “As a supervisor with the state of California, I oversee multimillion-dollar education and workforce development projects and maintain critical oversight of taxpayer dollars, making me well-suited to act in a trustee’s role.”

Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, Trustee Area 2

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Audrey Jacques

  • Teacher
  • Collaboration: “Recently I was successful in advocating for a grant to help establish Community Schools in FSUSD — an approach to public schools that involves parents, teachers, students and community partners in the decision making process.”
  • Student Success: “A few years ago, I had the experience of teaching the child of one of my former students; I know firsthand that our students truly are our future.”
  • Education: “To create a strong and vibrant Fairfield-Suisun community necessitates our schools provide the best education possible.”

Helen Tilley

  • Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District Trustee/parent/professor/mediator
  • Student Safety: “We need trustees who will ensure that our kids have a safe and effective learning environment, and a curriculum that prepares them for the future.”
  • Curriculum: “As your Trustee between 2020 and 2024, I supported learning excellence built upon fundamental reading, writing, and arithmetic skills, and skills such as computer literacy, critical thinking, teamwork, and career technical training, which are critical to our students’ current success.”
  • Budget: “I support creative use of our facilities, while making fiscally responsible decisions and meeting high standards so that every child succeeds.”

Suzanne Murphy

  • Educator/director
  • Teacher Salary: “I am committed to advocating for fair compensation and strong support for our teachers and staff, recognizing that they are the backbone of our educational system.”
  • Education: “The success of our schools impacts the future of our community, and I am ready to bring my years of expertise to support this district.”
  • Inclusivity: “I will work to support a safe, inclusive, and engaging environment for all students. Every child deserves the chance to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances.”

Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, Trustee Area 3

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Judi Honeychurch

  • Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District Trustee, Area 3
  • Education: “I am running for reelection because I strongly believe in free public education for all children.”
  • Inclusivity: “My top priorities as a member of the Governance Team are designed to support diversity, equity and inclusion to improve student learning.”
  • Staff Retention: “We need to retain and recruit quality teachers and staff, continue to provide educational options for families, and expand our career technical education opportunities for students to acquire the necessary skills for quality jobs.”

Brigette Hunley

  • Parent/education advisor
  • Collaboration: “As a school board member, I will meet with parents, families, and educators to find common-sense solutions to problems facing our schools.”
  • Education: “Our schools are our best opportunity to create college- and career-ready students that are ready to find well-paying jobs in the real world.”
  • Resources: “As an education advisor, I have worked to bring our classrooms into the 21st century by giving students access to state-of-the-art resources that help their learning.”

Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, Trustee Area 6

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Ana Petero

  • Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District Trustee, Area 6
  • Budget: “During my first term, I secured $2 million for Career Technical Education programs in our high schools and breakfast for our students who attend Early College High School.”
  • Student Safety: “Our students deserve qualified teachers as well as a safe, clean, and equitable environment in which to learn.”
  • Priorities: “I am dedicated to redirecting resources toward student and staff success by adding more qualified teachers and teaching assistants, investing in extracurricular activities, maintaining a clean environment, and ensuring Measure S funds are not wasted on pet projects.”

Shawn Smith

  • Senior management analyst
  • Efficiency: “With a strong background in administration, budgeting, policy, and strategic planning, I’m dedicated to ensuring our schools are efficient and effective.”
  • Education: “Education is deeply personal to me. As one of the first in my family to graduate from college, I understand the power of a solid educational foundation.”
  • Experience: “I’ve recently served on Fairfield’s Planning Commission and Budget Advisory Committee, and currently serve on Chamber of Commerce’s Government Affairs Committee and as Solano County Fair Association treasurer.”

Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District, Trustee Area 7 — Short Term

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Kai Eusebio

  • Assembly district representative
  • Accountability: “I will bring the power of effective, accountable, common-sense leadership and community engagement to local Fairfield schools from the FSUSD Governing Board.”
  • Priorities: “If entrusted with the role of FSUSD trustee, I will advocate for equitable resources, innovative educational programs for college and career readiness, and robust support for our students and families.”
  • Education: “We must work on our district’s mission to ensure that every student receives a quality education that prepares them for a successful future, as this community did for me.”

Perry W. Polk

  • Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District Trustee, Area 7 — Short Term
  • Experience: “FSUSD needs seasoned and fully informed board members to lead the district in this critical time. I was appointed to the board based on my proven leadership on the school board and knowledge of school business.”
  • Budget: “We will be faced with hard choices in the next two years as the state is unlikely to hold the line in school finances.”
  • Problem-Solving: “I have been through the toughest of times and made difficult decisions, always keeping in mind that the focus of our attention must be on the classroom and our students.”

Nikki Parr

  • Education senior director
  • Mental Health: “I will work to ensure that students have access to mental health services, as there is a national and local youth mental health crisis.”
  • Inclusivity: “Equally important is the well-being of teachers and school staff, who often face job-related stress while serving students and families.”
  • Budget: “I will ensure that all fiscal decisions are made with parent and community input.”

Steve Quinlan

  • Public school teacher
  • Education: “I’ve been in the education field for over 20 years and am still currently in the classroom where the most important work is done.”
  • Resources: “As a classroom teacher, I know our tax dollars are best spent when the monies stay inside the classroom, or go directly toward student services, whether that be for teachers, books, reopening the pools during summer, bringing back a robust summer school and arts program, or supplies and materials.”
  • Budget: “If elected, I pledge I will work to cut back on administrative and consultant positions and to start living within our means.”

River Delta Unified School District, Trustee Area 4

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Jordan Davis

  • Engineer/parent
  • STEM Programs: “Expand and enrich STEM programs to prepare students for future careers with cutting-edge resources and opportunities.”
  • Collaboration: “Build partnerships between schools, parents, and local organizations to create a supportive network for students.”
  • Inclusivity: “Develop inclusive programs that address diverse needs, giving every child the opportunity to succeed.”

Suzanne Wilson

  • Vocational education instructor
  • Experience: “With nearly three decades of experience as a vocational education instructor, I am dedicated to enhancing our educational system to better serve our students and community.”
  • Education: “Holding a BA from San Francisco State University, I have seen firsthand the transformative power of education.”
  • Career Readiness: “My focus will be on expanding Career Technical Education and vocational programs to ensure all students have access to practical skills and career opportunities.”

Vacaville Unified School District, Trustee Area 4

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Lindsay Kelly

  • Vacaville Unified School District Trustee, Area 4
  • Collaboration: “I support honest and open communication between students, parents, guardians, and our schools and will continue to work to strengthen these partnerships to provide children with an education that will allow them to reach their potential.”
  • Curriculum: “I support a focus on reading, writing, math, science and extracurricular activities.”
  • Budget: “I support a focus on school choice and fiscal responsibility.”

Audra Orr

  • Retired lieutenant colonel 
  • Integrity: “Growing up a coal miner’s daughter in Kentucky, I learned the value of hard work, integrity, and service.”
  • Budget: “As a commander, I developed policy, evaluated programs for compliance and ways to improve them, managed a large budget, and ensured mission accomplishment even with budget cuts.”
  • Career Readiness: “My goals are to better prepare our students for life after graduation by increasing our CTE options, to increase the safety and mental health environment of our classrooms, and to recruit and retain quality staff.”

Vacaville Unified School District, Trustee Area 7

What does a school board member do?

A school board member votes on the school district’s budget, oversees the district superintendent and decides on curriculum, within the bounds of state law. The board also manages school facilities and votes on contracts, such as those with employee unions.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

George Burton Jr.

  • Parent/businessman
  • Education: “As a lifelong Vacaville resident with deep roots in this community, I am passionate about ensuring our children receive an exceptional education.”
  • Perspective: “With a child currently enrolled in the Vacaville school system and a strong family legacy of Vaca High graduates, I bring a unique perspective to the challenges and opportunities facing our district.”
  • Integrity: “I am committed to serving our students, teachers, and community with integrity, dedication, and a focus on academic excellence.”

Michael Kitzes

  • Vacaville Unified School District Trustee, Area 7
  • Budget: “It is imperative that we pass our Facilities Bond this election. This bond will address the critical issue of compaction in our elementary schools, ensuring that every child has access to a conducive learning environment.”
  • Bond Oversight: “I am committed to overseeing the spending of bond proceeds responsibly and wisely.”
  • Collaboration: “I will work to redouble my efforts to listen to students, parents, and staff. All our voices are vital to our district’s success.”

Michele Guerra

  • Retired educator/businesswoman
  • Student Safety: “I support a safe learning environment where students can concentrate on their education.”
  • Transparency: “I support schools developing transparent and open dialogues with parents that will build partnerships and empower them to ensure their student achieves their full potential.”
  • Career Readiness: “Not all children will attend or graduate from college. I support promoting vocational education in our high schools and partnering with local small businesses to help students find a career that best suits them.”

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