Chinatown Resource Guide Community OrganizationsThere are hundreds of community resources in Chinatown, including historical and cultural centers, neighborhood and merchant organizations, health and senior centers, child care programs, and arts organizations. The following list is intended to serve as a starting point to find organizations that support and promote the history and culture of Chinatown. Cameron House Provides a wide range of social and educational services, including domestic violence assistance, bilingual legal aid, language tutorials, family counseling and youth leadership programs. Publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Chinese Current.
A Cantonese bilingual-bicultural child care center. The curriculum emphasizes pride in Chinese American cultural heritage and appreciation of a culturally diverse society. Priority is given to protective service cases and low-income families. Chinatown Community Development Center Dedicated to preserving the best of Chinatown's past, improving current conditions and planning for Chinatown's future. Assists tenant advocacy organizations and provides educational and recreational services to residents of low-cost housing projects.
Established to help teens, the center provides counseling, cross-cultural resources, school dropout prevention, bilingual services and activities. Structures outreach programs for San Francisco middle schools and high schools. Offers parenting programs for Chinese parents.
Provides leadership and support for community projects. Advocates for fair reapportionment of congressional and local districts. Organizes voter registration campaigns and bilingual citizenship classes. Promotes equality in admissions policies to schools and universities.
Advocates for social, political and economic issues affecting Asian Americans -- school desegregation, affirmative action and fair practices in employment and housing.
Handles the business and promotional activities of Chinatown and aims for community improvement. Organizes the Chinese New Year Festival and the Miss Chinatown USA Pageant.
Works to integrate housing development and neighborhood improvement. Acquires sites and rehabilitates buildings to provide long-term, affordable, quality housing for low-income residents.
Advocacy for commerce and business in the community. Represents overseas Chinese in the United States in affairs of immigration, finance, business and education. Manages the Chinese Hospital and other charitable organizations.
Offers a variety of educational and cultural programs, including lectures,
workshops, classes, art exhibits, dance and musical performances. Sponsors
Chinese Heritage and Chinese Culinary Walks. Chinese Historical Society of America Exhibits artifacts and photographs of the Chinese pioneers in California. Presents lectures and publishes a journal on Chinese American history.
Provides year round child care for parents who are working or attending school. Before- and after-school programs for children age kindergarten to third grade.
Chinatown's original community bookstore is today North America's best bilingual media source on China, Hong Kong and Chinese America. The store offers over 60,000 titles in books, music and film.
Promotes, preserves and presents art of the Asian American communities. Provides a base for artists who seek a connection to their roots, their history, their sense of community.
Multi-service organization for seniors. Offers services in health, housing, recreation and employment. Operates 7 senior nutrition/social service center sites. Provides home-delivered meals, employment training and placement, residential care, transportation services and an Alzheimer's day care program.
Promotes collaborative projects in health, education and youth services. Sponsors summer youth programs, educational exchanges and an electronic communication network.
Established by the Association for Children's Rights and Services. Programs offered include childcare information and referral, 3 care centers, parent education and support services, the Lending Library and bilingual early education classes. Take me back to the Chinatown Resource Guide home page Take me back to the Chinatown home page