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Advocates Call for Expansion of Early Childhood Education in California

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 (Devin Katayama/KQED)

Experts are increasingly convinced that improving education means starting the learning process before a child reaches kindergarten. A group of California business, education and health leaders will release a comprehensive report today on how to create a “child-centered” system of early learning in the state. That report calls for an additional $5 billion dollars a year to provide free preschool for every child in the state and money to supplement daycare for all children under five. In this Forum hour, we learn more about the proposal.


George Miller, former Congressman representing the 11th District of California; served as the Senior Democrat of the House Education and Workforce Committee

Jim Steyer, CEO and founder,Common Sense Media; author, "Talking Back to Facebook: The Common Sense Guide to Raising Kids in the Digital Age"


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