[an error occurred while processing this directive] KQED.org: Public TV: American Family: Family Albums
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Home | The Series | Local Activities | Online Family Albums | TV Family Portraits

View KQED's Online Family Albums:
Oscar Castanon
Araceli Garcia y Jose Espinoza
Luis y Lourdes Hernandez

Martha Lopez
Sheila Maynard
Lisa Rios
Carlos y Anabella Ventura

Jose y Pily Zamora Castellanos

Visit the Official
American Family Site

Technical assistance and computer space provided by
Bay Area Video Coalition

Online Family Albums
The TV show is fiction but these families are real.
Eight Northern California families brought poems, snapshots and home video to KQED.
We offered a little technical assistance and are proud to present their stories (in their own words) to the KQED community.


the castanon family

Oscar Castanon

the garcia espinoza family

Araceli Garcia y Jose Espinoza

lourdes hernandez and baby

Luis y Lourdes Hernandez

martha lopez and family

Martha Lopez

the maynard sisters

Sheila Maynard

lisa rios and her daughter

Lisa Rios

lenny ventura and a toy llama

Carlos y Anabella Ventura

the zamora castellanos family

Jose y Pily Zamora Castellanos

This project was funded by PBS and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Visit American Family on PBS.org