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Local Activities

Family Activities

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As part of the station outreach campaign for the television program American Family, KQED is offering the following six articles and activities with a family theme. They were orginally published in KidsWatch (subscription information), KQED Ready To Learn's monthly newsletter for parents and child care professionals working with young children.

Flag Fervor
Express what it means to be your family with a brilliant banner.

Homeward Bound
Create a home away from home for youngsters struggling with separation.

Meaningful Maps
Bring history to life with a family map.

Nearest and Dearest
Families come in all shapes, sizes, colors and structures.

Safely Swaddled
Children flourish in families filled with nurturing, love, recognition and respect.

Silly, Simple, Fun Traditions
Traditions begin early and last a lifetime.

This project was funded by PBS and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Visit American Family on PBS.org