What are our editorial policies and practices?What are our editorial policies and practices?

Our masthead includes the names of editorial and programming staff that direct our content and programming decisions. To understand the decision-making process in the life of an individual story, here’s an example of our editorial process in action.

As an institution, we’ve adopted the Public Media Code of Integrity (at publicmediaintegrity.org), and everyone on our editorial team must adhere to our Code of Ethics. When we make an error, we issue a correction. (See an example of a story correction.)

To learn about how we maintain our editorial independence in our relationships with funders, see “Who funds KQED?”

How do we apply our editorial practices to our educational resources and services?

KQED produces content and services for educators’ own professional learning and to use as instructional materials in their learning environments.

Educational Resources for Educators
We produce and curate free resources, in the form of media, curriculum and professional learning courses, to help educators access fact-based videos, interactives and texts for use across the curriculum. All materials align with California and national content standards.

Media Literacy Skill-Building
Through free professional learning courses and a supportive community on KQED Teach, we help educators strengthen their skills and develop standards-aligned strategies for implementing media and media literacy in their learning environments. Participants in KQED Teach learn how to read, write, share and teach with media

Youth Voice
On KQED Learn, our secure classroom platform, students in middle and high schools develop media literacy skills through inquiry-based learning, collaboration and media production across content areas. Our Comments and Resources Guidelines communicate the standards young people must follow when interacting with other students on the platform.

What else would you like to know about our editorial policies and practices? Let us know in the form below.

Not seeing a form? Please us this direct link to the Editorial Policies form

Table of Contents

An introduction to KQED’s standards and practicesWho is KQED, and what do we do?

Who makes decisions for KQED?

What are our editorial policies and practices?

What do we ask of you, our audience?

How does KQED stay connected to our audiences?

Who funds KQED?

How does KQED protect the information you share?

What are your thoughts? And additional resources.