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Thanksgiving 2013 -- The Best Unsung Songs of the Year

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In this episode we give thanks to the songs that got away. This mix is dedicated to the best tracks that flew under the radar this year. Sometimes they were quietly old acts in new clothes; other times they were brand new artists. Regardless of the reason, these songs were sorely underrepresented in the hype machine and deserve another listen. This mix also acts as a sort of best track of the year (b-side) mix. Get ready for the season of “best of…”

1. “That Awful Sound” — Jackson Scott, Melbourne
2. “Get It” — Run The Jewels, Run The Jewels
3. “Mean Streets” — Tennis, Small Sound EP
4. “Bathroom Laughter” — Pissed Jeans, Honeys
5. “Living Lens” — Mountains, Centralia
6. “On Fraternity” — Dead Girlfriends, Stop Pretending EP
7. “Ego” — Mr. Carmack, single
8. “Kerou?s Lament” — Ellery James Roberts, single
9. “Sin Guia No” — Juana Molina, Wed 21
10. “Dreamy Summer” – Moonface, Julia With Blue Jeans On


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