Check Please!Leslie Sbrocco's Check, Please! Bay Area Season 11 Wine and Spirits TipsWendy GoodfriendApr 14, 2016Save ArticleSave ArticleFailed to save articlePlease try againEmailDo you know about the wine-growing region on the Sonoma Coast? What are some food and wine pairing tips? Sparkling and Snacks What are innovative gadgets and tips to identify your wine glass at a party? What are wines associated with Calistoga? What is the role of water in avoiding a hangover? What is vermouth and how is it best used? What are tips to pairing wine and chocolate? What’s the right serving temperature for wine? How is champagne different from other sparkling wines? How is vodka made? What do you do with leftover wine? What is Fumé Blanc? What is Grappa? How do you make vinegar? What are the varieties of sparkling wines? What are creative gift ideas for a drinks lover? Sponsored