This is a stop-motion animation addressing the Fukushima nuclear melt down that is currently burdening the people of Japan. The power companies (TEPCO & Tohoku Electric) and the Japanese government have acted very irresponsibly regarding the matter and still have not come up with a solution to the radiation leakage.
In addition, TEPCO and other Japanese power companies are planning to reopen power plants that are located on active fault lines. The world cannot afford another Fukushima meltdown, and it is important for us to support the world wide movement towards a nuclear free future because we are in a similar predicament here in California.
The San Onofre power plant and the Diablo Valley power plant are both located on active fault lines, and we can easily find ourselves in the same situation as Fukushima if a major earthquake hits. This video is my voice in support of a nuclear energy free future.
This film was shown at BAYMN FEST 2013.