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Are Smart Speakers a Smart Choice for Kids?

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The new Samsung Galaxy Home speaker is displayed during a product launch event at at the Barclays Center on August 9, 2018 in Brooklyn. (Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

In an increasing number of households “Hey Alexa” or “Hey Google” is becoming as common a refrain as “Moooom!” The adoption of smart speakers has grown exponentially with Nielsen reporting in late 2018 that now nearly a quarter of U.S. households have one. Like many new technologies, increased use of smart speakers has led to concerns about their effects on the brain and behavior, especially in kids. We discuss the latest research on and best practices for voice command devices and we want to hear from you: If you have a smart speaker, how do your kids use it? What, if anything, has given you pause about having a smart speaker in your home?

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Caroline Knorr, parenting editor, Common Sense Media

Jacob Ward, technology correspondent, NBC News; Berggruen fellow, Stanford's Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences

Jenny Radesky, assistant professor of pediatrics and developmental behavioral pediatrics, University of Michigan; developmental pediatrician, University of Michigan's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital


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