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Fire Prevention: Cal Fire Struggles to Meet Defensible Space Inspection Goals

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Inmate firefighters clear brush from a roadside in the Berkeley Hills near Tilden Regional Park. (Photo by: Stop the Show)

According to a new KQED investigation, only 17 percent of properties in territory where Cal Fire is responsible for monitoring defensible space were actually checked by their inspectors in 2018. State law requires at least 100 feet of defensible space around a property, which limits the amount of vegetation close the home. With one in four residents living in places that are at a high risk for wildfire, many Californians are wondering how to save their homes. In this hour, Forum takes questions about how to better protect property through defensible space and fire safe homes.



Lauren Sommer, science and environment reporter, KQED

Yana Valachovic, county director and forest advisor, University of California Cooperative Extension

Todd Lando, executive coordinator, FIRESafe Marin


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