Katherine Seligman’s debut novel, “At the Edge of the Haight” tells the story of Maddy, a young homeless woman living in San Francisco who is caught up in a murder mystery. As a journalist and a long-time resident of Haight-Ashbury, Seligman has witnessed the dehumanizing effects of homelessness up close. Her book, which is the winner of the PEN/Bellwether prize, has been praised as a work that “makes alive and visible the lives of people we often walk past, sometimes as quickly as we can.” Seligman joins us to talk about her new novel, her transition from reporter to fiction writer, and what it takes to tell the stories of people who often feel invisible.
Journalist Katherine Seligman Tackles Homelessness in Debut Novel, 'At The Edge Of The Haight'
(Penni Gladstone)
Katherine Seligman, journalist and author of "At the Edge of the Haight"