When Laurel Braitman’s father died, after more than a decade at battle with a rare bone cancer, she was a teenager, just finishing up high school. It wasn’t until about two decades later, when she was 36, that she found herself asking if could join a grief group for kids. She ended up volunteering as one of the grief counselors, launching a wide and varied quest to understand, and heal, from the trauma of her father’s death that she chronicles in her memoir, “What Looks Like Bravery: An Epic Journey Through Loss to Love”.
Laurel Braitman’s ‘Epic Journey Through Loss to Love’
Laurel Braitman (Lauren Tabak)
Laurel Braitman, author, "What Looks Like Bravery: An Epic Journey Through Loss to Love," and NYT bestseller, "Animal Madness;" director of writing and storytelling, Stanford School of Medicine's Medicine and the Muse Program