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What Have Your Mistakes Taught You?

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 (Richard Drury via Getty Images)

“Make one mistake each day.” “If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying.” These adages might feel cliché. But mistakes, though often embarrassing, really are essential for learning, and how you handle them depends on your upbringing, education and even your neurology, according to USC professor Mary Helen Immordino-Yang. We’ll talk about what happens in our brains when we make mistakes, and we’ll hear how you react to a cringe-worthy blunder. Do you tend to shut down and deflect blame? Is it easy for you to regroup and figure out what went wrong? What has a mistake taught you?


Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, professor of education, psychology and neuroscience, University of Southern California; director, USC Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education (CANDLE)<br />


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