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Will Nevada and Arizona Pick the Next President?

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We take a look at the key issues influencing voters in each state and examine the factors that might determine who secures those crucial electoral votes. (Andrii Yalanskyi via iStock)

California’s neighbors, Arizona and Nevada, stand out as pivotal swing states in this year’s presidential election, each with a large bloc of independent voters. Arizona’s shifting demographics and growing urban centers like Phoenix and Tucson, and Nevada’s blend of urban and rural populations, particularly in Clark County, make both states critical battlegrounds for both parties. We take a look at the key issues influencing voters in each state and examine the factors that might determine who secures those crucial electoral votes.


Andy Crosby, assistant professor in the School of Public Policy, UC Riverside

Thom Reilly, professor, Arizona State University; co-director, Center for an Independent and Sustainable Democracy

Jessica Hill, reporter, Las Vegas Review Journal


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