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'I Guarantee it' Guy George Zimmer on Life After Men's Wearhouse

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 (George Zimmer)

Best known for his TV commercials and the catch phrase,”You’re Gonna Like The Way You Look … I Guarantee It,” George Zimmer founded Men’s Wearhouse in 1973 and built it into a multibillion-dollar company. In 2013, after decades as CEO and spokesperson, Zimmer was fired by the company. But Zimmer is not done with the apparel business — he recently launched two online clothing firms. Zimmer is also very active in efforts to legalize marijuana and supports the therapeutic use of the psychoactive drug MDMA. He joins us as part of our “First Person” series on the leaders, innovators, and others who make the Bay Area unique.


George Zimmer, CEO and founder of Generation Tux and zTailors; founder of Men's Wearhouse


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