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News Pix: Bay Bridge East Span Opens, Lusty Lady Closes and Hunger Strike Ends

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The new eastern span of the Bay Bridge is not just for vehicles. There's a bicycle and pedestrian path, too. People came out in droves on Tuesday to check it out and get a different view of the bay. (Nancy Rubin/Berkeleyside)

east span opens
Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and other dignitaries cut a bicycle chain to mark the official opening of the Alexander Zuckermann Bicycle-Pedestrian Path. Even though it won't go all the way to Yerba Buena Island until 2015, Quan said, "Just enjoying that will become the experience that people all over the area, and probably the world, will want to have." (Deborah Svoboda/KQED)

A photograph taken at the site of the Berkeley Tuolumne Family Camp on Aug. 28, three days after the Rim Fire swept through it, shows the extent of the destruction. Berkeley officials are assessing the damage and working with the community on possible next steps, which could include sharing space with another city camp. (Berkeleyside/U.S. Forest Service)

The conditions in cells like this one were at the heart of a two-month hunger strike state inmates ended on Wednesday, Sept. 5, after lawmakers promised to hold hearings over California’s use of special security units. Some leaders of the protest have been held in isolation for years and in some cases decades. (Monica Lam/KQED)


Lusty lady
San Francisco's only worker-owned co-op strip club, the Lusty Lady, gave its last show Monday, Sept. 2. The Lusty Lady was the only unionized strip club in the country, but rising rents and online adult entertainment have hurt the business. (Sara Bloomberg/KQED)

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