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Wall of Resolutions at KQED. Brittany Hosea-Small/KQED
Wall of Resolutions at KQED. (Brittany Hosea-Small/KQED)

What's Your Political Resolution for 2017? #Resolved2017

What's Your Political Resolution for 2017? #Resolved2017

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In a time of political change in the U.S., many people are wondering about the way forward for the country and what they can do to be a part of that (like, be the change you want to see).

So, we’re turning the question to YOU as a different kind of New Year’s resolution — a political one — for 2017. That could be “engage in polite political debate with my cousin” or “join a grass-roots group that supports freedom of speech” or “commit an act of resistance every day.” You can see other resolutions below. Hopefully, they will give you some ideas.

Want to add your resolution? Here’s how:

  • Grab a Post-it and a Sharpie.
  • Write your political resolution by filling in the blank: “My 2017 political resolution:  _________________.”
  • Share on your preferred social channel (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) — or to one of ours (Facebook,  Twitter, Instagram) — using hashtag #Resolved2017.

That’s it. Or, want us to make one for you (and ping you when it’s posted)? Submit your political resolution here.

We will post your Post-it below. And, you can check out the rest here, too. Note: We’ll also be in touch with some respondents to follow your progress (Hint, hint: We all need a little help sticking to our resolutions).


Changing the world — one Post-it, one resolution at a time.


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