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School Safety, Cannabis Sanctuary, Mayor Tom Butt, Betty Reid Soskin

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School Safety
The horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida, earlier this week is reverberating throughout the nation. While Congress remains unable to restrict high-powered assault rifles that have been used in recent mass shootings, the tragedy in Florida is prompting educators in California to examine how best to keep students safe.

Guest: Jill Tucker, Education Writer, San Francisco Chronicle

A Sanctuary City for Cannabis
On Tuesday, the Berkeley City Council voted unanimously to designate itself a sanctuary city for recreational cannabis. Mayor Jesse Arreguin said the move was in response to threats of a crackdown by Attorney General Jeff Sessions against states that have legalized marijuana. Across the bay, San Francisco is hoping a new equity permit program will help redress the impact of the war on drugs against communities of color by easing their entry into the lucrative cannabis industry.

Guest: David Downs, Cannabis Editor, San Francisco Chronicle

Richmond Mayor Tom Butt
Tom Butt has been mayor of Richmond since 2014. The East Bay city boasts 32 miles of waterfront along San Francisco Bay and is home to a Chevron refinery employing 1,200 people. Last month, Richmond joined other California cities and counties in suing oil producers, including Chevron, for actions they allege harm the environment and public health. Mayor Butt, who is running for re-election this year, is also trying to combat homicides in the city and attract economic investment to Richmond.


Guest: Mayor Tom Butt, City of Richmond

Betty Reid Soskin on “Sign My Name to Freedom”
Betty Reid Soskin has seen a lot in her 96 years. During World War II, Soskin worked as a file clerk helping African-American workers. She was active in the civil rights struggle and founded a record store in Berkeley that still stands today. Currently she’s the oldest full-time national park ranger and works at the Rosie the Riveter World War II Home Front National Historical Park in Richmond, where she helps visitors understand the contributions of women and African-Americans to the war effort. Her new book, Sign My Name to Freedom, chronicles her remarkable life.

Guest: Betty Reid Soskin, Author, Sign My Name to Freedom

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