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Kavanaugh Allegations, California Congressional Races, Early Childhood Education Research

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U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Palo Alto)
In July, Christine Blasey Ford met with Palo Alto congresswoman Anna Eshoo to share concerns about U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Ford alleged that she was sexually and physically assaulted by Kavanaugh when they were both in high school. Now, Ford is being asked to testify about the incident before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Rep. Anna Eshoo talks with us about her meeting with Ford.

Week in Politics
We look at the week’s big political developments, including the confrontation between Kavanaugh and Ford and close congressional races in California.


    • Aimee Allison, Democracy in Color president
    • Carla Marinucci, Politico senior writer
    • Sean Walsh, Wilson Walsh Consulting political strategist




New Study on Achievement Gap
A troubling new research project finds that the achievement gap among California’s 6 million school children begins as early as kindergarten. What contributes to this startling inequity and what can be done to narrow the gap?


  • Heather Hough, executive director, Policy Analysis for California Education  
  • Jill Tucker, San Francisco Chronicle education reporter

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