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Origin Stories | Devin Katayama - Editor of Talent and Development

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Devin Katayama finds connection through public radio.



Transcript of Comic Strip

This is a KQED Origin Story by Devin Katayama, Editor of Talent & Development. Devin is speaking in the panels.

Panel 1: I got into journalism to connect with the world.

Panel 2: Close up on Devin Katayama wearing red headphones.

Panel 3: A caption shows, “At the time I was feeling very isolated and, honestly, a little lonely.”

Panel 4: Devin wears red headphones and a caption from the headphones says, “For This American Life, this is Ira Glass . . .” In the bottom right corner another caption says, “Public radio connected me to people.”

Panel 5: Devin speaks into a radio microphone saying, "I'm Devin Katayama."

Panel 6: Sutro Tower emits radio waves with a caption of “I’m Devin Katayama, KQED News.” Another caption in the bottom left corner says, “Now,

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