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Origin Stories | Saul Gonzalez - Co-Host, The California Report

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Saul Gonzalez's mother instilled in him the importance of considering diverse perspectives.

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Transcript of Comic Strip

This is a KQED Origin Story by Saul Gonzalez, Co-host of The California Report. Saul is speaking in the panels.

Panel 1: My mother, Rose, raised me as a single parent and money could often be very tight, even for essentials.

Panel 2: A wrought-iron magazine rack holds copies of Time, Life, Highlight, Newsweek, People, and other magazines. Caption reads: "No matter how much we struggled, she always made sure we had enough in our family budget for newspapers and magazines."

Panel 3: A shortwave radio is surrounded by text of radio program soundbites: "Today, thousands marched in the Red Square Parade...," "Sugar Ray Leonard takes gold in the Montreal Olympics...," "The first 'test-tube baby,' Louise, born in Manchester..." . Caption reads "She invested in a small shortwave radio so we could listen to the BBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Company and even Radio Moscow."

Panel 4: The panel is ringed by images of different people and groups: A car riding in a Red Square Parade with a large poster of Lenin; Sugar Ray Leonard; and parents holding a newborn baby. Caption reads "She wanted to expose us to different viewpoints, and she knew at its best, journalism is a kind of empathy device that puts you in the shoes of others."

Panel 5: Saul sits in front of a laptop computer with a microphone, wearing headphones. Text soundbites around him read "This is The California Report!," and "Good morning, I'm Saul Gonzalez..." The caption reads: "There isn't a day that goes by where I don't give my mom a silent thanks for making me curious and showing me how journalism can help me put that curiosity to good use."

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