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Origin Stories | Member Story: Jeri Opalk - Leadership Circle Ambassador Member

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Broken car radio presets serendipitously led Jeri Opalk to KQED.


Transcript of Comic Strip

This is a KQED Origin Story by Jeri Opalk, a Leadership Circle Ambassador Member. Jeri is speaking in the panels.

Panel 1: I am the best-informed person I know.

Panel 2: Jeri drives across the Bay Bridge and fiddles with her car radio. A caption says, “I started listening to KQED by accident.”

Panel 3: Jeri’s finger tries to push a car radio button but the radio screen shows an “Error” message. A caption says, “The radio pre-sets on my old car stopped working . . .”

Panel 4: Jeri’s hand adjusts a radio dial to 88.5 FM and the words “You’re listening to KQED . . .” comes out of the radio. A caption says,
. . . and the first station I manually tuned to was 88.5.”

Panel 5: Jeri drives her car listening to the radio. A thought bubble shows Michael Krasny sitting in front of a radio microphone saying, “Our guest on Forum today . . .” A caption says, “The moment I heard Michael Krasny on Forum, I was hooked.”

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