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Reparations Task Force Prepares Final Report

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A man wearing a face mask holds a sign that reads "World Leaders! Reparations for Slavery Now!" in a crowd of people.
Long-time Los Angeles resident Walter Foster, 80, holds up a sign as the Reparations Task Force listens to public input at the California Science Center in Los Angeles on Sept. 22, 2022. (Carolyn Cole/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

Task Force Report Should Not Just Focus On Monetary Reparations

Later this month, the statewide task force studying reparations for black Californians will submit its historic final report to the state legislature for consideration.  Most of the focus has been on monetary reparations, but some say the task force will take a bigger picture approach.

Bill Would Expand Medi-Cal Mental Health Coverage

Lawmakers in the state senate will consider a bill on Tuesday that aims to help low-income teens access mental health treatment. But some affluent parents say it would take away their rights.
Reporter: April Dembosky, KQED

LGBTQ + Funding At Community Colleges Part Of Latest Budget Proposal

California lawmakers are now waiting for Governor Gavin Newsom to sign off on their proposed state budget. Among the countless line items – $10 million set aside for LGBTQ + services at California community colleges. 
Reporter: Adam Echelman, CalMatters 


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