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Modesto High School Students Learn About Tax Filing

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Tax forms (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

High Schoolers Get Hands-On Tax Experience

We’re nearing the deadline to file taxes. While the task may seem daunting, especially for people who can’t afford an accountant, a group of high school students in Central California want to help fix that problem.
Reporter: Billy Cruz, The California Report

Housing Affordability Major Problem For Most Californians

Fewer than one in five people in California could afford to buy the median priced home last year. That’s according to a new report from the California Association of Realtors. 
Reporter: Erin Baldassari, KQED 

Family To Receive Millions In Wrongful Death Lawsuit 

The city of Stockton has settled a wrongful death suit with the family of a man who died after being held face down by police in 2020.
Reporter: Emily Zentner, The California Newsroom 


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