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Stanford Sparks Literary Backlash by Phasing Out Creative Writing Lecturers’ Jobs

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Students ride bikes on a tree-lined street on the campus of Stanford University.
Students ride bikes past Hoover Tower on the Stanford University campus. Stanford plans to phase out nearly two dozen creative writing instructors over two years — one of whom says they represent lecturers who requested a pay raise last year. Over a thousand people have signed a petition urging the university to reinstate them. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Sarah Frisch starts each of her creative writing courses at Stanford University by letting her students know the classroom is a working community.

Stanford can be a difficult, high-pressure space, and Frisch said creative writing courses can be a respite.

“Students read this incredible literature, and they meet people they ordinarily just read about,” Frisch said. “But I think the part that’s really powerful is to see that writers are ordinary people. Writers write within friendships, and they get plugged into that community.”

Now, Frisch and other lecturers worry that the job security and lecturer longevity that make those relationships possible will disappear. During a video meeting last week, Frisch and her colleagues learned the Stanford Creative Writing Program’s nearly two dozen lecturers would lose their current positions over the next two years.


Instead, a faculty working group recommended the program’s lectureships consist of one-year appointments with the possibility of renewal for a limited period of up to five years.

Many of the current lecturers have taught at the university for more than a decade.

“I feel like our students were betrayed,” said Frisch, who has been a Stanford lecturer since 2009. “The whole program is going to be based on temporary labor, and that is a sea change from the program that we have. And that means that the program we have no longer exists.”

Transitioning to short-term futures

In a statement posted on the university’s website on Wednesday, the School of Humanities and Sciences and Creative Writing Program leadership defended the changes, arguing that the lectureship program, known as Jones lectureships, was originally intended for limited-term appointments.

“We plan for there to be as many lecturers in the Program in five years as there are today, and we expect to offer more classes then than now,” the statement reads. “The university, school, and numerous generous donors are committed to not only the excellence of the program but also its growth.”

Colleagues credit the Creative Writing Program’s success and popularity to support for lecturers from the late Eavan Boland, a distinguished poet and former director of the program. Boland, who died in 2020, encouraged lecturers to develop their own ambitious classes and foster deep mentoring relationships with undergraduates.

“She empowered lecturers not only to have job longevity but to use that time to innovate in the classroom,” said Nina Schloesser Tárano, who has been teaching in the Creative Writing Program since 2012.

“This is being treated as a luxury — my ability to be there for the entirety of somebody’s career as an undergraduate. But it’s my job, and it should be,” Schloesser Tárano said.

Students, alums and writers sound off

The changes to Stanford’s Creative Writing Program quickly generated widespread outrage online. In a Medium post, lecturer Tom Kealey noted that the changes come a year after lecturers, who made around $52,000, asked for a pay increase.

Writer Joyce Carol Oates wrote on X, “I am puzzled most by the lack of simple collegiality & generosity at one of the most wealthy universities in the world. Stanford’s endowment could support an entire nation.”

Kyle Wang, who graduated from Stanford in 2023 with a master’s in the modern thought and literature program, started a petition calling on the university to change course and reinstate the lecturers whose contracts will be phased out.

Wang said the lecturers in the Creative Writing Program changed his life.

When Wang first came to Stanford, he was unsure what to study. He had grown up in Silicon Valley, “where everyone and their mother” worked in tech or tech-adjacent fields. He took computer science class after computer science class. Then, in January 2019, he took his first creative writing class.

“A couple of weeks later, I think I knew deep down that I was going to be studying English,” Wang said. “Every single class that I’ve taken with a Jones lecturer has, in some new way, shape, or form, not only pushed me as a writer and thinker — it showed me a different way of imagining that a life in writing and a life in the arts could be possible.”

He worries for future generations of students who may not be able to build those same life-changing relationships with lecturers and about the institutional knowledge that could be lost.

Sarah Frisch is not sure what’s next when her lectureship ends. Classes start again next month, and she said in the meantime, she will focus on her students.

“I just want them to know those of us who are in this crappy position see and hear them,” Frisch said. “We’re willing to fight for their experience and their futures.”

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