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Arya Konanur: A Life Well Lived

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Making a new friend at a senior home gave Arya Konanur a new perspective on a life well lived.

Last September, my friend and I were searching for opportunities in our community to earn volunteer hours. We walked into a Senior Home right across our street, asking if we could help. They jumped at the offer and said it had been a long time since anyone had offered their time.

A month after I started volunteering, a new resident came in, who I’ll call John. He had recently gone into a coma and woken up fully blind. Bored and stuck in the confines of the home, he asked the staff if anyone could take him for regular walks. Perfect timing! My friend and I began taking turns to walk John around the building.

During our walks, he talked about his life and experiences. Several things stuck with me.

Firstly, he demonstrated the importance of good relationships. He and his wife called their family every day since moving into the home, and their family visits every week. John says that’s one of the reasons he’s always happy – he has solid relationships. He even has friends caring for his old motorcycle from 60 years ago!


Secondly, he taught me the importance of acceptance. At the beginning of this year, John’s wife unfortunately passed away. As devastated as he was, he understood that death is inevitable. He said, “Many people hold on to their life and fight death for their loved ones, knowing they can’t fight for long.” He didn’t want her to go through that, and he let her go. He missed her but did not want to see her suffer.

Thirdly, he showed me the value of time. He said, “We’re to be lucky among the 8 billion people who are alive now, and we should make the best of that.”

Hence, I waste less time and dedicate more effort toward my passions.

John says he doesn’t mind being blind so much now because he’s already done everything he wanted to do. To me, that’s the ultimate achievement in life. To look back on it when I’m older and say – “I’m satisfied with this.”

With a Perspective, I’m Arya Konanur.

Arya is an incoming high school freshman in San Jose, who enjoys writing, producing electronic music, playing the guitar and running track in school.

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