Belmont Races


What does a mayor do?

A mayor’s role varies from city to city. In some jurisdictions, a mayor leads council meetings, but largely has similar responsibilities as other council members: voting on city ordinances, development proposals, contracts and the budget. In San Francisco, the mayor has broader powers to sign or veto bills, oversee city departments and make appointments.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Julia Mates

  • Mayor, Belmont
  • Public Safety: “I’ve advocated for Belmont’s fire safety … Improved rapid response times for police officers and expanded law enforcement community outreach programs for the Belmont Police Academy and Crisis Assessment and Resource Education (CARE) teams.”
  • Businesses: “Strengthened support for Belmont’s small businesses and deepened partnerships with Chamber San Mateo County.”
  • Collaboration: “I’ll continue to engage you, the community I serve, in an accountable, transparent and dynamic manner as we shape, adapt, and envision Belmont’s future for decades to come.”

City Council, District 2

What does a council member do?

City and town council members can propose new city ordinances and vote on a range of issues, including housing development, business ventures and contracts. They also help draft the city or town budget.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Cathy M. Jordan

  • Mid-Peninsula Water District Board Member
  • Collaboration: “Solving these complex issues requires a community-focused approach.”
  • Experience: “My proven track record of collaborative leadership will enable me to make an immediate impact.”
  • Priorities: “If elected, I pledge to represent our community with honesty, integrity, and an open mind, approaching issues and engaging constituents in a respectful manner, evaluating all opinions, and working with my colleagues to achieve results.”

Ken Loo

  • Firefighter/teacher/father
  • Traffic: “I propose improving traffic signal coordination, exploring smart traffic management systems, and working closely with local schools to address traffic flow during peak times.”
  • Budget: “I will prioritize transparent budgeting and responsible spending to ensure essential services and infrastructure improvements are funded without overburdening taxpayers.”
  • Public Safety: “I’m dedicated to ensuring our police and fire departments have the resources, modern equipment, and training they need. I’ll focus on community policing strategies to build trust between law enforcement and residents and address the root causes of crime.”

City Council, District 4

What does a council member do?

City and town council members can propose new city ordinances and vote on a range of issues, including housing development, business ventures and contracts. They also help draft the city or town budget.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Pat Cuviello

  • No designation.
  • Infrastructure: “As a Council member, my decisions will be based on Belmont’s ‘General Plan 2035’… I will ensure that development projects ‘will enhance the character of our community and preserve and enhance important environmental resources.’”
  • Environmental Conservation: “Environmental protection is more than just protecting open spaces from bulldozers. It requires restoring and maintaining a healthy ecosystem to protect and increase biodiversity for sustainability.”
  • Budget: “Fiscal responsibility is lacking in Belmont and the city’s finances should reflect the priorities of our stated values and goals … As your representative, I will put your tax dollars toward delivering on your needs and values, such as necessary repavement of streets.”

Tom McCune

  • Belmont City Council Member/architect
  • Experience: “I have served on the Belmont City Council since 2019, when I was appointed to fill a vacancy. I was then elected to a full term in 2020. Before that, I served for four years on the Belmont City Planning Commission and two years on the Belmont City Finance Commission.”
  • Housing: “I believe in creating much-needed affordable housing … The ‘interstitial zones’ between our commercial areas and residential neighborhoods are prime locations to develop new affordable housing without adversely impacting Belmont’s character, natural beauty, or environmental quality.”
  • Infrastructure: “Belmont’s streets and infrastructure were allowed to deteriorate for several decades as prior administrations neglected basic maintenance. We now have funding in place that is helping.”

Davina Hurt

  • Belmont City Council Member/mother/attorney
  • Priorities: “Providing excellent police, fire, and city services; reducing traffic congestion on major streets; renewing our parks and preserving open spaces; enhancing pedestrian and bike safety; ensuring our seniors and youth remain active and safe with investments in a new Barrett Community Center.”
  • Economic Growth: “I’m committed to economic development, supporting local small businesses, and investing your tax dollars responsibly at City Hall.”
  • Climate Change: “As the climate continues to change, I’ve taken on leadership roles to protect our environment such as vice-chair of the Silicon Valley Clean Water Board.”

Arina Merkulova

  • Chief operating officer
  • Accountability: “I will advocate for clear budgeting practices and open communication about our financial decisions … Accountability is essential for rebuilding trust in our city’s leadership.”
  • Parks and Recreation: “I will also work tirelessly to expand recreational facilities that promote health, wellness, and community engagement without overtaxing our residents.”
  • Collaboration: “I want to hear your ideas, concerns, and aspirations for Belmont … Together, we can foster a culture of inclusivity and collaboration, making sure everyone’s voice is heard in the decision-making process.”

More Races

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