, the fetish pornography site that’s been filming in the San Francisco Armory for the last decade, is shutting down production in the Bay Area.
The company that once made 100 films a month at its Mission district site told the Guardian that it will stop production in February.
“A lot of the Castro was built on the back of porn companies. But one by one, they upped and left,” CEO Peter Acworth told the Guardian. “There’s so much content out there. The human body only has so many orifices and so many limbs you can tie in so many ways.”
Kink’s in-house directors will move production to Nevada, Southern California and other parts of the Bay Area — making good on a promise Acworth made back 2014 to move out of San Francisco.
“I would still think of production moving out as a question of ‘if’ as opposed to ‘when,'” Acworth told the San Francisco Bay Guardian back in April of 2014.

Though Acworth originally threatened to pack up and leave because of Cal-OSHA fines and impending condom legislation — which was voted down last election — the site’s membership and revenue has dropped significantly, with some publications saying as much as 40 percent. Just a year ago, the company cut half of its workforce.