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New Mural in Oakland Honors Victims of Deadly Warehouse Fire

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The Ghost Ship warehouse fire mural by Norman "Vogue" Chuck in Oakland. (Photo: Norman "Vogue" Chuck)

A Bay Area street artist has completed a large mural in Oakland paying tribute to the victims of the deadly warehouse fire that killed 36 people in December.

On Sunday, Norman “Vogue” Chuck, a graffiti artist living in San Leandro, finished the massive mural on East 12th Street between 22nd and 23rd avenues in Oakland. The piece features a large sailing ship (also known as a galleon) sailing into the sunset, surrounded by doves. The ship is in reference to the name of the venue where the deadly fire occurred, a warehouse space called the Ghost Ship. Beside it is a scroll of all 36 names of those who died in the fire.

“Honored to paint & dedicate this memorial mural from the tragic Oakland Ghostship fire. For the 36 individuals lost, the survivors, there [sic] family & friends,” Chuck wrote on his Facebook page.

Fuming Gorilla Productions put the project together and Jetty Extracts, an Oakland company that manufactures medical cannabis extracts, helped cover the cost of the mural.

Last week, a fellow muralist painted another Ghost Ship memorial mural in San Francisco’s Clarion Alley for Michela Gregory and Alex Vega, a young couple who died in the fire.


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