You might recall that Ralph Lauren product placement went into total overdrive in the fifth season of Friends, after Rachel Green started working for the fashion house. There was even an episode where Phoebe got duped into making out with “Kenny, the copy guy” because she thought he was Ralph Lauren. (Lauren himself made a cameo.)
The designer label, very shrewdly, is now looking to capitalize on this history, by launching a collection said to be inspired by Friends‘ 25th anniversary. There’s only one problem: with the exception of a handful of items, none of these clothes look like anything someone in Friends might have actually worn.
Sure, these pleated skirts have definite Rachel vibes:

There’s a token sweater vest for Chandler:

And Ross’ leather pants (which appeared in exactly one episode) have clearly served as a major inspiration:

But most of the other items in this collection are genuinely baffling.