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Escaped Goats in San Jose Live Out Our Shelter-in-Place Fantasies

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A goat, thinking about invading your street. Maybe. (Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Goats in San Jose got to live out everyone’s shelter-in-place fantasies last night after getting together in a massive group and going out to a bunch of places they’re not supposed to go.

The herd of 200 broke a fence and gallivanted through the streets of the East Foothills neighborhood until a rancher could contain them again.

The goat party was witnessed by Terry Roelands and his son Zach, who live near the hill the goats currently reside on. Zach caught some of the chaos on tape:

Goats are proving to be supremely opportunistic animals during shelter in place. The San Jose herd follows the now-infamous Llandudno goats, who have been “running riot” and “munching through gardens” in the Welsh seaside resort since late March.


It’s not just goats though. Last month, Turkish TV channel TRT made a helpful compilation of animals invading urban spaces and taking advantage of the decrease in humans wandering around.

Enjoy it while you can, creatures of the world …

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