The story begins in Saigon in 2018, at a bustling outdoor dining area next door to a soccer game. Amid the crowd, three young men are having a meal and some heavy spiritual conversation. Two of them talk about matters of faith and destiny, while a third one, named Thien, mostly remains silent and looks none too interested in the discussion. Suddenly, there’s a loud crash, and the camera pans sideways to reveal the wreckage of a fatal motorbike collision. Nearly everyone runs over to see if they can help — everyone, that is, except Thien, who remains at his table, lost in thought.
It’s as if Thien, who’s played by the actor Le Phong Vu, doesn’t realize yet that he’s the protagonist of this movie, or that his life is about to take a major swerve. A few hours later, Thien is informed that the woman killed in the accident was none other than his sister-in-law, Teresa. Is it some cruel coincidence that he was there when it happened, but showed such indifference? Was it an act of divine grace that spared the life of Teresa’s 5-year-old son, Dao, who survived the crash with barely a scrape?
Either way, Thien must deal with the fallout by temporarily taking care of his nephew. And so begins a mysterious journey into the Vietnamese countryside, where Thien and Dao attend memorial services for Teresa, who was an observant Catholic.