Asal Ehsanipour

Reporter and Producer

Asal Ehsanipour is a producer and reporter for Rightnowish, Bay Curious and The California Report Magazine. She is also a producer for The Double Shift, a podcast about a new generation of working mothers. In 2018, Asal was named an Emerging Journalist Fellow by the Journalism and Women’s Symposium. Her work has appeared on KQED, KALW, PRI’s The World, and in several food and travel publications.

By Asal EhsanipourBy Asal Ehsanipour

Does Mount Diablo Have the Biggest View in the World?

What Sounds Remind You of Your Father?

A person with a bald head and wearing glasses looks at the camera.

'I'm Pro-Humanity': One Palestinian's Call for Peace in the Face of Tragedy

How the Founder of California's First Black Church Fought Its Last Known Slavery Case

An employee at China Express on 24th and Mission Streets.

Why Donuts + Chinese Food = A Very Californian Combination

Mom, ER Worker and Mentor to Native Youth: A Family Remembers Sylvia Morton

The Long Fight Against Ableism and Ageism During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Oakland and Marin County Are Starting ‘Guaranteed Income’ Pilot Projects

‘A Big First Step’: Bay Area Cities Are Rethinking Single-Family Zoning