Julie Small

KQED Contributor

Julie Small reports on criminal justice and immigration. She was part of a team at KQED awarded a regional 2019 Edward R. Murrow award for continuing coverage of the Trump Administration's family separation policy. The Society for Professional Journalists recognized Julie's 2018 reporting on the San Joaquin County Sheriff's interference in death investigations with an Excellence in Journalism Award for Ongoing Coverage. Julie's reporting with Lisa Pickoff-White on the treatment of mentally ill offenders  in California jails earned a 2017 regional Edward R. Murrow Award for news reporting and an investigative reporting award from the SPJ of Northern California. Before joining KQED, Julie covered government and politics in Sacramento for Southern California Public Radio (SCPR). Her 2010 series on lapses in California’s prison medical care also won a regional Edward R. Murrow Award for investigative reporting and a Golden Mic Award from the RTNDA of Southern California. Julie began her  career in journalism in 2000 as the deputy foreign editor for public radio's Marketplace, while earning her master's degree in journalism from USC’s Annenberg School of Communication.