Linda Flanagan

Linda Flanagan is a freelance writer, researcher, and editor. Her work has appeared in The Atlantic, The Wall St. Journal, Newsweek, Running Times, and Mind/Shift, and she blogs regularly for the Huffington Post. Linda writes about education, culture, athletics, youth sports, mental health, politics, college admissions, and other curiosities. She also reviews books and conducts interviews.

By Linda FlanaganBy Linda Flanagan

Young girl playing volleyball at a team practice in a school gym

How Knowing Teen Brains a Little Better Can Help Coaches Be Effective Mentors

Father walks with arm around son's shoulder. Green park scene in background.

How parents can help their kids feel seen

Two young woman dance in front of a smartphone camera.

How to Help Your Kids Navigate Social Media Without Getting Lost

Teens Are Overwhelmed by Pressure to Achieve. How Can Parents Restore Balance?

two grandparents reading with two grandchildren

How to keep your kids' grandparents involved without losing your mind

When Should You Let Your Kid Quit?

What Happens When One Twin Scorns Social Media and the Other Embraces It

Group of happy young adults taking selfie outside

Relax: Your adult child is probably fine

Illustration of a woman crying and another woman comforting her.

What parents need to know about their teens’ mental health