Michelle Wiley

Michelle Wiley was the senior editor of weekends.

By Michelle WileyBy Michelle Wiley

3M brand N95 particulate respirators are displayed on a table on July 28, 2020 in San Anselmo, California.

Cubrebocas para el humo y covid-19, ¿qué tipo es mejor?

3M brand N95 particulate respirators are displayed on a table on July 28, 2020 in San Anselmo, California.

When Air Quality's Bad, Which Mask Should I Wear for Wildfire Smoke?

night-time shot of woman holding her small child, both with concerned faces, surrounded by silhouettes of border patrol agents

Biden Walked Away From Compensating Separated Migrant Families. But These Parents Aren't Giving Up

The main entrance to the leafy Mills College campus, a rounded concrete wall with "Mills" written on it.

Mills College to Merge With Northeastern University, After Months-Long Court Battle

Caldor Fire Nearly 50% Contained, As Crews Continue Battling 'Troublesome' Spots

Judge Puts Another Pause on Mills College Merger, Allows Financial Document Review

Two people standing in front of a window, hugging

California Reopens: Here's What You Can Do if You're Vaccinated — and Where You Need a Mask

‘Reunification Alone Is Not Enough’: Biden Task Force Finds 2,100 Children May Still Be Separated From Parents

'We'll Heal Together': More Than 1,000 Gather in San Jose to Honor the Victims of the VTA Shooting