Susan Cohen

KQED Contributor

Susan Cohen is an award-winning journalist who recently completed a master’s degree in documentary production at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Before making the switch to video, Susan spent four years at the Charleston City Paper, a South Carolina alt-weekly, where she wrote more than 20 cover stories on everything from doomsday preppers to quidditch to world-class chefs. Her writing has also been featured in the East Bay Express, This Recording, and the Hairpin, and she just finished her first short documentary, Today I am a Man.

By Susan CohenBy Susan Cohen

GLAS Festival Celebrates Animation Made Without Pixar-Level Budgets

Meet Ari Gold, the Director from San Francisco Making His Own Path

Director Imran Khan Talks About Going from Viral Videos to Serious Shorts

Ex-Phantom Planet Guitarist Moves to the World of Film Soundtracks

Final Opportunity to See Documentary on Cannabis-Selling Nuns

Oakland Music School Creates Corps of Female and Transgender Drummers

KinkBNB Brings Sharing Economy to the 'Sex-Positive' Community

Albany Panel Votes to Allow Teen's Halloween Haunted House

Tech Buses Still Here -- and Busier Than Ever, S.F. Report Says