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Parkhouse Eatery

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Parkhouse Eatery in the funky neighborhood of University Heights was recommended by the same friend who batted us such a delicious home run with Saffron. We booked over there one late Saturday afternoon and just managed to get in for lunch before they closed. We may have been their final customers, but they couldn't have been more gracious or patient with us and we couldn't have been more starving for their food.

There were many, many choices on their large breakfast/brunch/lunch menu, but one magical phrase immediately leaped off the page at me: "Forked avocado on toast." I don't know why "forked avocado" sounds so much more luscious than "sliced avocado" but it just does. I love avocado and I have an oddly fanatic passion for toast, so this was a definite order for our table. The perfect green and yellow forked avocado was served with a chiffonade of basil and freshly grated black pepper on top of grilled sourdough bread. Simple. Fresh. Delicious.

Clearly not getting enough avocado with that little appetizer, I had to order the Parkhouse Benedict, which was poached eggs layered on grilled focaccia, tomatoes, and Applewood-smoked bacon, and drenched with a tomato-avocado hollandaise. I don't often get Eggs Benedict, but when I do, I want to make it count -- boy did it count that day. The plate of messy loveliness also came with some refreshing orange wedges and a dollop of special Parkhouse Griddled Garlic Mashed Potatoes. Was the tomato-avocado hollandaise a bit muddled in color compared to the usually sun-bright traditional hollandaise? Yes, it was. Did I care at all? No, not a jot. You might notice that I couldn't resist taking a bite even before I took a picture.


My husband was so immersed in his order of chilaquiles -- scrambled eggs, corn tortillas, homemade red chile sauce, asiago cheese, and a surprise topper of black bean fritters -- that he forgot to poach some of my eggs. Heh -- I love my food puns so much more than anyone else. Needless to say, it was another perfectly sumptuous dish. The only fly in our ointment was, well, the flies, actually. It seemed that wherever we ate out of doors in San Diego, flies were there in ridiculous droves -- at our friends' place in North Park, the Lebanese deli and bakery on Alabama, and here. Hard to stuff your face when you're swatting your hand around.

That button-popping brunch fed us for the rest of our Coronado-touring day. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to go back for dinner, but I definitely recommend Parkhouse Eatery as a San Diego must-eat breakfast spot.

Parkhouse Eatery
4574 Park Blvd
San Diego, CA 92116


Lunch: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-3:30 PM
Saturday-Sunday 8:00 AM-3:00 PM

Dinner: Monday-Friday 5:00 PM-9:00 PM
Saturday-Sunday 5:00 PM-10:00 PM

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