When I was a kid, and the ice cream man’s tinny jingle reverberated throughout the neighborhood, we’d all let out a squeal and scramble to find some change, then bolt out the front door, dinner be damned, in the hopes of tracking him down.
If I got lucky, he’d stop on our street, and I would always order an ice cream sandwich. I can still feel the chocolate cookie sticking to my fingers, taste the melty edges of vanilla ice cream with my tongue, and I loved Every. Last. Drop.
I hope these sweet heart-shaped treats bring back your childhood memories, or at least make you feel like a kid again. Make them for your loved one, a friend, your kiddos. They will be so happy.
(By the way, if strawberry is not your thing, by all means use whatever ice cream you adore! Vanilla, chocolate, pistachio, peanut brittle, salted caramel...the world is your ice cream sandwich.)

Recipe: Heart-Shaped Ice Cream Sandwiches
Makes 8–9 ice cream sandwiches