Each cohort will have a two-day kick-off workshop that will focus on creating audio media and bringing podcasting to the classroom. Participants will earn a $150 stipend after attending the kick-off workshop. After the kick-off, additional media literacy skills will be learned throughout the year via online courses and in-person meetings and workshops.
The full schedule of in-person meetings and workshops is as follows:
- East Bay cohort kick-off workshop: June 18 & 19, 10am-4pm at Cal State East Bay’s Oakland Center (near 12th St BART Station)
- South Bay cohort kick-off workshop: June 25 & 26, 10am-4pm at the Santa Clara County Office of Education (free parking available)
- Fall meet-up: November (dates/locations TBD)
- Mid-year one-day workshop: January/February (dates/locations TBD)
- Certification Celebration: May (dates/locations TBD)
The South Bay co
hort is hosted in partnership with the Professional Learning and Instructional Support Division of the Santa Clara County Office of Education.
What is the time commitment?
The Academy will require several hours per month of self-paced work, in addition to quarterly in-person workshops and meetups.
What is the cost of the Academy?
Free! Micro-credentials and certification are free, too.
Wondering if the Academy is right for you?
Read through this self-assessment. You are a perfect candidate for the Academy if
- You are a teacher or educator who works directly with students in grades 6-12 OR you are in a role where you partner with and/or regularly train teachers that serve this age group. (Examples of student work are a requirement of certification. If you work closely with teachers, their work can take the place of student work.) See FAQs for more information.
- You are excited about improving your media analysis and media creation skills in a cohort of like-minded educators.
- You are eager to learn innovative ways to improve student engagement and learning and put that learning into practice.
- You know your way around a computer, are comfortable with Google Drive, and you easily learn how to use new tools and programs.
- You have time to put towards your own professional learning.
- You are okay with sharing imperfect work and getting feedback from colleagues.
- You intend to complete the entire Academy, including attending the in-person events and applying for all micro-credentials.
When is the deadline to apply?
The application deadline is March 31. We will notify you of your acceptance into the Academy by April 5.
We will accept a total of 60 educators into the Academy, 30 in each cohort.
We hope you apply to join us for our inaugural KQED Media Literacy Educator Academy! We look forward to helping you strengthen your media literacy skills and support you in achieving PBS Media Literacy Educator Certification.
Still have questions about the KQED Media Literacy Educator Academy? Email us at learn@kqed.org.
FAQs – KQED Media Literacy Educator Academy
Do I have to apply to the Academy with a colleague?
No, but we recommend it. We’ve found it’s helpful to have a colleague that can provide mutual encouragement and with whom you can regularly check in about your progress. However, if you don’t have a colleague to apply with, there will be many great people to partner and learn with.
Does the colleague I apply with need to work at the same school as I do?
They don’t need to work at your school or organization. But it should be someone that you see, plan with or check in with frequently.
What are the requirements for PBS Media Literacy Educator Certification?
You can view the competencies and the artifacts that will be assessed for each of the media literacy micro-credentials here.
Note: During the Academy, we will focus on audio as the media production format for the micro-credential “Making Media for Classroom Use.”
I’m a librarian, instructional coach or teacher on special assignment. Is certification for me?
Each of the micro-credentials connected to PBS Media Literacy Educator Certification requires evidence of classroom instruction. However, “students” and “classrooms” are meant in their widest sense and support a range of instruction from coaches or administrators leading professional learning to individual instructors. For educators who do not have their own classrooms, such as school librarians or teachers on special assignment, it is acceptable to collaborate with another teacher on individual micro-credentials. The evidence you submit must reflect work you’ve created or co-created, and student work should be from students whose instruction you supported.
Why should I participate in the Academy versus becoming certified on my own?
You should participate if you are interested in becoming a PBS Certified Media Literacy Educator, but you’d like the extra support provided by KQED staff and a cohort of colleagues in order to complete all of the requirements. Think of it like training for a race. You could do it by yourself, but you may have more fun and stay motivated if you train with a group!
Who will be leading the KQED Academy?
You will be guided by KQED’s curriculum and professional development specialists:

Andrea Aust is the science education senior manager at KQED, where she has been developing educational resources and providing professional learning for more than 11 years. Prior to KQED, she taught, developed and managed marine science and environmental education programs.