U.S. House of Representatives, District 15

Top candidate wins seat.

Kevin Mullin (D)(incumbent)73%
211,648 votes
Anna Kramer (R)26.9%
77,896 votes
Race called at 9:01 PM PT on November 5, 2024
99% of votes countedAssociated Press
This percentage is an Associated Press estimate of how much of the vote in an election has been counted. It is informed by turnout in recent elections, details on votes cast in advance and – after polls close – early returns. The estimate may fluctuate as election officials report additional results and AP learns more about how many voters have cast a ballot.

Results are provided by the Associated Press (AP). The AP calls winners by analyzing vote tallies and other election data. Check marks are used to denote a winner only when the AP calls a race.

What does a U.S. representative do?

Representatives are your local community’s voice in the U.S. House of Representatives. Members of Congress write and vote on bills, including the federal budget. The winner will serve a two-year term.

Candidate Statements

Candidate Statements are excerpted from the statements provided to election offices, where available.

Anna Cheng Kramer

  • Housing policy advisor
  • Republican
  • Experience: “I built my career making funding available to build and maintain homes for families across the West Coast and nationwide. In my public service roles, I served as the chairwoman of North Fair Oaks and as a member of the Economic Development Advisory Commission in San Carlos.”
  • Homelessness: “I will initiate a comprehensive solution to our homelessness that includes drug treatment and shelter.”
  • Priorities: “I will work to secure our border, reform immigration, and stop fentanyl trafficking — a significant contributor to rising crime, homelessness, and the loss of life.”
  • ackramerforcongress.org

Kevin Mullin

  • U.S. Representative
  • Democrat
  • Accomplishments: “During my first year in Congress, my district office staff has worked to return nearly $2 million in Social Security and other tax dollars to constituents, resolved nearly 650 passport cases, and responded to over 100,000 letters, emails, and calls from District 15 constituents.” 
  • Climate Change: “I’ve introduced the Weatherization Resilience and Adaptation Program (WRAP) Act to assist low-income homeowners and affordable housing providers in making their properties more resilient to climate change.” 
  • Economy: “Authored the Poverty Line Act to modernize the federal poverty formula to include housing, child care, and health care costs so that we may build an economy that works for all.”
  • kevinmullinforcongress.com

More Results

See results for all elections on the San Francisco ballot.

See results for all elections on the San Mateo County ballot.

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