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Report: Zuckerberg SF General Leaves Privately Insured Patients on the Hook for Thousands

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A view of the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center on May 16, 2018 in San Francisco, California. (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Some privately insured patients who received emergency care at Zuckerberg San Francisco General are finding themselves stuck with tens of thousands of of dollars in hospital bills that their insurers refuse to pay. That’s according to a new report by Vox senior health policy correspondent Sarah Kliff, who spent a year studying the billing practices of emergency rooms around the country. Zuckerberg SF General says it does not accept private insurance in accordance with its mission to serve those with public health plans. We’ll talk to Kliff about her findings and we want to hear from you: have you had to foot a surprisingly large ER bill?

Related Links:
A $20,243 Bike Crash: Zuckerberg Hospital’s Aggressive Tactics Leave Patients with Big Bills (Vox.com)


Sarah Kliff, senior correspondent covering health policy, Vox


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