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Special Broadcast: Future of Cities in a Changing Climate

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A view of a Chevron refinery on March 3, 2015 in Richmond, California.  (Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

With climate change comes rising seas, flooding and increased natural disasters. And those effects may be felt most acutely in cities. In this hour, broadcast live from the Night of Ideas festival at San Francisco’s Main Library, we’ll be joined by a futurist, an architect/designer, a science fiction writer, and a landscape architect. We will look at some bold actions cities can take, and ask: How can we design cities for a changing climate?


Liz Ogbu, designer, urbanist; founder and princicpal, Studio O.

Richard Kennedy, landscape architect; senior principal, James Corner Field Operations

Annalee Newitz, author, "Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction; editor in chief, io9

Alex Steffen, planetary futurist, The Nearly Now; author, "Carbon Zero: Imagining Cities that Can Save the Planet"


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