For decades, organizations, doctors and parents focused on treating autism as a disease and steered millions of dollars in funding to find a “cure” instead of to provide services to autistic people. Political journalist Eric Garcia chronicles that history in his new book “We’re not Broken: Changing The Autism Conversation,” and draws on his own experience as an autistic person to lay out the ongoing challenges and misperceptions they face. Garcia points out that autistic people are often portrayed as white male children or engineers, when in fact autistic people come in every gender and ethnic background. We talk with Garcia about why autism is so misunderstood and how to change the narrative.
Eric Garcia’s ‘We’re Not Broken’ Aims to Change the Conversation About Autism

Eric Garcia, author of, “We’re Not Broken: Changing The Autism Conversation.” He is a senior Washington DC-correspondent for The Independent. (Kristin Herbruck)
Eric Garcia, author, “We’re not Broken: Changing The Autism Conversation.” He is a senior Washington DC-correspondent for The Independent. He has previously worked for The Washington Post, The Hill, National Journal, MarketWatch and Roll Call.