Did beavers get a publicist? Mother Jones magazine asked that question last week after a spate of national news stories appeared celebrating the rodents’ role in protecting the environment. Long considered a nuisance, the furry dam-builders are finally being recognized for improving stream quality, mitigating wildfire and floods and fighting climate change, among other contributions. The state of California is even hiring a team of environmental scientists to work on “nature-based restoration solutions involving beavers.” We’ll talk about efforts to restore habitat for the beaver, which Governor Newsom has called an “untapped, creative climate-solving hero.”
Leave it to the Beaver, Nature’s 'Climate-Solving Hero'
(Troy Harrison via Getty Images)
Emily Fairfax, assistant professor of environmental science and resource management, California State University Channel Islands
Ben Goldfarb, journalist and author, "Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter"
Chad Dibble, deputy director, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Frankie Myers, vice-chair, Yurok Tribe<br />