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Now an Outlier, California Weighs Mandatory Dyslexia Screening

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 (Phynart Studio via Getty Images)

California is one of only 10 states that don’t require public elementary schools to screen for dyslexia. But research shows that detection of dylexia’s early warning signs can lessen reading challenges for kids down the line. We’ll hear why California has been an outlier and about the renewed  push for legislation to mandate early screening. And, with a collective $28.7 million of the past two annual state budgets allocated to UCSF’s Dyslexia Center for research on dyslexia and the development of a new, multilingual and free screening tool, we’ll hear about how the tool works and the latest neuroscientific research.


Joe Hong, reporter covering the students, teachers and lawmakers who shape California's public schools, CalMatters - recent article is "Why California still doesn’t mandate dyslexia screening"

Dr. Marilu Gorno Tempini, professor of neurology and psychiatry, UCSF - and co-director of the UCSF Dyslexia Center and the UCSF-UCB Schwab Dyslexia and Cognitive Diversity Center. <br /> https://albalab.ucsf.edu; https://dyslexia.ucsf.edu/


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