In San Francisco, self-driving taxis with no human operator are accelerating around city streets day and night. Google-owned Waymo expanded to L.A. last month, and General Motors’s Cruise has applied to widen its testing to cities across California. There’s a magic to seeing a steering wheel turn on its own, and many in the transit world are excited about the benefits autonomous vehicles could bring. But truck and taxi drivers have concerns. We’ll learn about the latest self-driving technology, how it’s being legislated and what will drive its future.
In Transit: Self-Driving Taxis and Trucks Take the Wheel

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Ethan Elkind, director of the Climate Program at the Center for Law, Energy and the Environment, UC Berkeley School of Law; podcast host, Climate Break
Christopher Beale, studio engineer, producer and reporter, KQED - reported for Bay Curious a piece, "You're Not Imagining It: There Are More Driverless Cars in SF Now"
Trish Blinstrub, political director, Teamsters Joint Council 7