When he was named San Francisco Poet Laureate in 2021, Tongo Eisen Martin said, “I want to push even further into places where poetry has not yet permeated.” He’s taken poetry to youth in homeless shelters, group homes and psych wards. Using poetry as a means to bring power, beauty and truth to more people is a goal that unites several poets and poet laureates joining Forum to mark the beginning of National Poetry Month. Forum wants to celebrate your favorite contemporary poets and find out how poetry shows up in your life. Join us for a conversation with poets about poetry.
Poets on Why We Need Poetry Now

((Top left to bottom right: Ayodele Nzinga by Beth LaBerge, Leticia del Toro via NPR, Tongo Eisen-Martin in 2021 by Christopher Michel, Lee Herrick by Curtis Messer, Marcelo Hernandez Castillo by Kenzie Allen))
Tongo Eisen-Martin , San Francisco Poet Laureate
Dr. Ayodele Nzinga, Artistic Director, The Lower Bottom Playaz - artist, activist and Poet Laureate of Oakland
Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, poet and author of the poetry collection, "Cenzontle" and the memoir, "Children of the Land"
Leticia del Toro, poet and educator - recently released the collection of poems, “All We Are Told Not to Touch”<br />
Lee Herrick , Poet Laureate of California